Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit nulla or narjusto laoreet onse ctetur adipisci.
Tanzania Communication and Development Centre (TCDC)are promoting the demand for and access to quality primary health care under the implementation of the Focus malaria communication project, which promote people to take action to prevent malaria, seek treatment early, trust test results, and adhere to drugs. The FMC project is implemented in Geita and Kigoma regions supporting the Regional and Council Health Management Teams, promoting for more people sleep under treated bed nets, especially pregnant mothers and under-five children, more people seeking testing and treatment early for symptoms of malaria and ANC visits for pregnant mothers and their spouse.
Over the past years the Focus Malaria Communication project used mixed methods in conducting Social BehaviourChange Communication (SBCC) activities which include; mass media, mid-media, clinic talks, community events, small group talks, meetings and one-to-one communication to communicate messages on desired behaviours related to malaria; seek health services early, adhere to tests and treatment, and prevent malaria by sleeping under insecticide treated bed nets, and promoting the use of intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) for pregnant women. The mid-media activities conducted include Clinic shows and Cultural show. The Clinic show is an interactive activity, which is conducted at health facility mostly at Ante-Natal Clinic, enables service providers to provide different health messages including malaria in pregnancy and action to be taken at the same time answers/clarify issues raised by clients. The cultural show engages community members with messages through dances and drama, it triggers community discussion on behaviours around the messages communicated including early health seeking behaviour, testing and trusting results, adherence to treatment and ANC visits.
In implementing the project at community level, TCDC is working with 9 local communities-based organization (CBOs), whereby 5 CBOs in Geita region and 4 CBOs in Kigoma region (The CBOs operate in 13 districts covering 264 wards and 1,002 villages in both regions of Geita and Kigoma. Thecommunity-based organizations have been engaged in this project to support community mobilization and engagement activities including overseeing group dialogues, house visits, village meetings, cultural shows, clinic talks conducted by community health workers and strengthening linkage between community members and service providers at health facilities through referrals. Through collaboration with CHMTs, CBOs,Health facilities service providers and TCDC Regional managers, technical guidance are provided to community health workers on conducting SBCC activities at community level. SBCC activities conducted by Community Health Workers at community level include; group discussion and one-to-one discussion, with community members at the household level and present malaria messages during monthly and quarterly community meetings, clinic talks at ANC clinics, support cultural shows and support radio programs to update on malaria interventions at their communities. The messages promoted focused on desired behaviour of malaria prevention and adherence to treatment with the focus on; seek early treatment, trust test results, complete the malaria dose, take action to clean their environment to protect from mosquitos’ breeds and ANC visits.
The purpose of the end line evaluation is to assess Relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, impact andknowledge generation from FMC project implemented in Geita and Kigoma regions.
3.0 Evaluation Criteria
To assess the relevance of the projects with regard to the SBCC communication strategies used (mass media, mid-media and community mobilization and engagement) and type of messages delivered to beneficiaries. The assessment of relevance will be required to respond to the following;
To assess effectiveness of the project: i.e. To explore if the project was implemented as originally planned and levels of achievements of the project’s interventions based on the indicators at all levels (outputs and outcome indicators) and respond the following;
To determine the sustainability of the project: i.e. To examine if changes brought by the project are likely to be longer lasting. The focus should be on the theory of change, does it impact the community members to behave within their social context on malaria prevention. The assessment should respond the following under this criteria;
To assess the overall Impact of the project by looking into what are the unintended consequences (positive and negative) behaviors resulted from the project.
To examine knowledge generated from the project practice, by identify key lessons learned that can be shared with other partners who implement malaria interventions. Also the assessment under this component should respond to the following;
The consultant will use the same methodology and sample sizes used during the baseline and midterm evaluation survey and apply difference in different approaches to compare baseline, midterm and ending findings, using both qualitative and quantitative data in order to triangulate findings. During the inception meeting the consultant will have to up- date the data collection tools and share with the TCDC team for authentication.
The methods for data collection must be relevant to provide data values as per characteristic of ALL the project indicators. The method can include;
The individual consultant / firm expected to produce and submit the following to TCDC;
During application: For the bidder to be evaluated MUST submit a detailed financial proposal with costed budget and technical proposal with the following chapters;
Consultants’ profile/ portfolio that presents in detailed experiences and competency in conducting similar and relevant evaluation, and of working with international organizations
Proven experience in implementation of quantitative impact evaluations using quasi-experimental designs, including survey implementation, data analysis, project monitoring, and dissemination (attach report as evidence of relevant experience).
Understanding of the Terms of reference.
Proposed methodology and approaches for the evaluation, including proposed quality assurance plan, data collection procedures, Plan for ensuring a high level of data quality, detailed time-frame specifying milestones towards key deliverables and data analysis Plan.
A proposedplan to secure ethical clearance and detailed work plan for the evaluation, with duration, and proposed schedule for inception reports, preparations, field work, data analysis, and reporting.
List of qualified and experienced team of evaluators, their roles, and attached CVs to all who will lead the evaluation exercise.
Lead Evaluators MUST have a master’s in public health or Master in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning specifically for SBCC projects. Lead evaluator MUST have worked at least for 3years with reputable SBCC projects local and international organization
Demonstrate to be fluent in English writing skill is a requirement, by providing 2 writing samples in English.
Experience in evaluating SBCC – related programs/project.
Inquiries concerning this request for proposal must be addressed latest by 15thJanuary 2019 at 14:00pm, in order to permit timely response by TCDC. All Inquiries shall be addressed to; info@tcdctz.org
Interested individual consultants or firms are first invited to submit both financial and technical proposals to: info@tcdctz.org by 16:00 pm on 8th February 2019 (EST).